Saturday, September 24, 2016

Alva Baby bandana bib review

I have been really looking forward to sharing this review with all of you. We are obsessing over these Alva Baby Bandana Bibs! We started out using Alva Baby cloth diapers, when we made the switch to cloth at 2 months. And we are now loving these bibs as an addition to our Alva products. These bandana bibs have really been a life saver, as far as helping make outfits last through the day. Between the non-stop drool from teething and the reflux spit up, we were changing Carson's outfit way too many times to count. Now I just snap on one of these stylish bibs and his outfit stays clean and dry. I really love the fact that these bibs have snaps instead of velcro (I am not a velcro fan at all). There are two snaps so that the bib can grow with your baby. Which is a plus, since they grow so darn fast! They are made out of soft cotton on the front and very absorbent fleece on the back side, which is why they keep cute outfits nice and dry. And the patterns, my goodness, they are all so cute! So far, I am extremely impressed with the function and durability of these bibs. Thanks Alva for this product! Xoxo, Hannah from Slightly Messy Mama Blog
 *This review contains only my honest opinion*