Monday, December 19, 2016

Alva Baby Cloth Diaper Review (first impressions)

Author: Brittany Mandlekow from

We've had a love/hate relationship with cloth diapers while diapering Ezra. I'm glad to say we are at the love point again. I think it takes awhile to find your groove and what works best for you and your baby. That being said, we have tried many different brands out. Now that we have been using cloth for almost 16 months (we took a couple months off) we know what works best for us. This is my first  Alva Baby diaper but I do know quite a few who have used them before. Lets break it all down below↓

I'm going to call this more of a first impressions review because we have only been testing the diaper for about a week. I will update this review later once it has been in our rotation for awhile to see how it's holding up. So far it has been working great for us. We've had no issues with leaks and I feel like we get a really good fit. The diaper itself fits very trim on my little man. It's easy for him to run around in and well, just be the wild toddler he is.

The one I am using is a pocket diaper so that means that the insert get's put inside a "pocket" in the diaper. Pocket diapers are one of my personal favorites because they are so easy to customize to your needs. My diaper came with one mircofiber insert. After "prepping" the diaper first, AKA running it through the washer a few times, I popped it on my guy. I had him wear it about 3 hours before changing. That's typically how long we like to go in-between changes. It held all the liquids in nicely, no leaks! I honestly think it could have went maybe 4 hours for us but it all depends if your baby is a heavy wetter or not. I personally wouldn't use this diaper overnight without adding in extra protection. Which again is really easy to do since it is a pocket diaper.

The customization of the buttons really insures that you get a great fit. It has a 2 rise setting and waist and hip snaps. Ezra is just about 18 months old, is roughly 24-25 lbs, and about 31-32 inches tall. To get a proper fit around the waist I have to snap it all the way shut. For the rise, I have it on the last snap setting. He still has plenty of room to grow in this diaper. On their site is says it will fit most babies between 6.5-33lbs. Meaning he could have worn this diaper right from birth until most likely potty training time. I would assume that it would be a bit bulky on a newborn but most all one size diapers are at first.

Alva diapers are a great choice for someone who is on a tight budget. This diaper typically runs about $6. This is much less than any other brand we own. You could build a pretty good stash of about 24 diapers for only $144. That being said you would probably need to buy some extra inserts as well. Besides being really affordable they have super cute designs for both girls and boys. Make sure to plan ahead on buying because shipping can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks to arrive. If you need them quicker they do have a USA tab that has items that says they typically ships 7-10 days.

I also did a quick chit chat review about it you can find >Here< You can subscribe for more videos in the future!

Disclamer: I provided with a free product for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

For this original blog post visit:

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Alva Baby bandana bib review

I have been really looking forward to sharing this review with all of you. We are obsessing over these Alva Baby Bandana Bibs! We started out using Alva Baby cloth diapers, when we made the switch to cloth at 2 months. And we are now loving these bibs as an addition to our Alva products. These bandana bibs have really been a life saver, as far as helping make outfits last through the day. Between the non-stop drool from teething and the reflux spit up, we were changing Carson's outfit way too many times to count. Now I just snap on one of these stylish bibs and his outfit stays clean and dry. I really love the fact that these bibs have snaps instead of velcro (I am not a velcro fan at all). There are two snaps so that the bib can grow with your baby. Which is a plus, since they grow so darn fast! They are made out of soft cotton on the front and very absorbent fleece on the back side, which is why they keep cute outfits nice and dry. And the patterns, my goodness, they are all so cute! So far, I am extremely impressed with the function and durability of these bibs. Thanks Alva for this product! Xoxo, Hannah from Slightly Messy Mama Blog
 *This review contains only my honest opinion*

Friday, July 15, 2016

Alva Baby Pacifier Clips

Are you tired of looking for your baby’s lost pacifier? Do you want to know how to keep your baby’s pacifier clean? Don’t let your babies pacifier get dirty and gross, use an Alvababy pacifier clip to help keep them clean and close!

Pacifier clips are great to use in carseats and strollers. Babies seem to love to throw pacifiers at inconvenient times, but our pacifier clips won’t let them go far!
These pacifier clips are easy to clip on, but difficult for babies to pull off! They are made out of high quality, durable fabric, and the elastic loop is made to fit most types of pacifier brands. Check out our wide variety of designs.
They are also great to use at bedtime. Pacifiers seem to get lost in the middle of the night, but they are easy for baby to find if they are securely attached to their pajamas.
Parents want anything that comes near their baby’s mouth to be clean and safe, and you can rest assured that Alvababy pacifier clips are just that. They are machine-washable, and baby friendly.